Tender Questionnaires – It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it!

Tender questionnaires often stipulate the requirement to provide evidence of service delivery. In fact, scoring top marks is often dependent on this.

Tender responses, on the other hand, tend to be full of fine rhetoric about the quality of service delivery, with evidence being offered in the form of examples of where the service has been delivered, and sometimes as case studies. This is all good stuff, but does it really provide evidence that that the required quality of service will be provided on a continuous basis? I don’t necessarily think so.

I believe that what is required, even more than evidence that the service has been delivered successfully in the past, is tangible evidence of how it will continue to be delivered, at the highest level, month in, month out.

So, my tender questionnaires tip is this; include plenty of relevant processes, procedures, charts, flowcharts, monitoring mechanisms, measurements against targets and so on. Outlining these and showing how they underpin outstanding service delivery will be extremely compelling. Case studies do not, on their own provide proof but can offer persuasive supporting collateral. A combination can be stunningly powerful!

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